M5205 - Animal Ecology
M5205A: Vorlesung zum Praktikum Animal Ecology (Vorlesung), 1 SWS, 1 CP, Horst Taraschewski, Trevor Petney
M5205B: Praktikum Animal Ecology (Praktikum), 6 SWS, 7 CP, Horst Taraschewski, Trevor Petney
WS: 3. Block
M5205A: vormittags, vier Vorlesungsblöcke und ein Diskussionsblock, Ort: Gbd. 07.01, Kornblumenstr. 13
M5205B: nachmittags, Ort: Gbd. 07.01, Kornblumenstr. 13
Modulwahl und Studienportal
Prüfungsnummer 267+268, als F3-Praktikum 629)
Lehrsprache ist Deutsch und Englisch
M5205A: 80 % Vorlesung, 20 % Seminar/Diskussionsgruppe
M5205B: 90 % Forschungspraktikum in Gruppen, 10 % mentorierte Projektplanung und Datenanalyse
Klausur zu M5205A. Leistungen aus dem Praktikum (Protokoll im Format einer wissenschaftlichen Publikation) gehen zu 20 % in das Klausurergebnis mit ein.
Masterfächer: Zoologie
Andere Studiengänge: Biologie Lehramt (LA 7), Geoökologie
M5205A: Vorlesung zum Praktikum Animal Ecology (Vorlesung)
The aim of this course is to provide the participants with a broad introduction to the major, current themes in ecology. There will be four lecture periods a week, the fifth period will be devoted to the discussion of a recent publication on a topical theme: all participants must have read the manuscript prior to the discussion period. The first two lectures will provide a basic background in ecology, each following lecture will deal with a current area of major research interest. These areas will range in scale between the level of the individual within its environment, the dynamics of populations particularly in relation to regulating factors and conservation, the composition of communities, as well as world encompassing themes such as global climate change. The intermeshing of these levels will be stressed.
- Basic ecology
- Individuals/Populations/Communities
- Biodiversity
- Ecosystems/Biosphere
- Behavioural ecology
- Molecular ecology
- Population genetics and ecology
- Pathogen ecology
- Conservation
- Globalization
- Global change
- Modelling
- Management
M5205B: Praktikum Animal Ecology (Praktikum)
TThis course follows the Animal Ecology lectures. It will be devoted to laboratory and field practicals. Ecological methods including experimental design and the statistical tools required for data analysis will be discussed and practical examples carried through. Students will also be divided into groups with each group being responsible for one or more longer term projects both in the laboratory as well as in the field. As field work is weather dependent these projects will be carried out largely independently of the formal practical times. The lecturers will, however, be present at these time to discuss project planning, data collection and analysis. These projects will be written up in the form of a scientific paper (protocol) and will contribute 20% to the final mark.
Materialien und Lernhilfen
Anmerkung: einige Exemplare können am Institut zur Verfügung gestellt werden
- Begon ME, Harper CA and Townsend JL (2006) Ecology: from individuals to ecosystems. 4th edn. Blackwell Science
- Dytham C (2011) Choosing and using statistics: a biologist's guide. 3rd edn. Wiley-Blackwell
- Nentwig W, Bacher S, Brandl R (2009) Ökologie Kompakt. 2. Auflage, Spektrum Verlag
Informationen auf den Seiten der Abteilung Ökologie und Parasitologie